Peaty's x Fidlock Lockin Bottle 600ml Peaty's x Fidlock Lockin Bottle 600ml Peaty's x Fidlock Lockin Bottle 600ml Peaty's x Fidlock Lockin Bottle 600ml Peaty's x Fidlock Lockin Bottle 600ml

Peaty's x Fidlock Lockin Bottle


Product nr:1221335060541580930
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Who else could we Partner with on a water bottle than the german masters of magnetism - Fidlock!


With their twist magnetic / mechanical locking system, this really is a revolution to the age-old water bottle / bottle cage combo. Removing the need for a bottle cage, the twist mechanism uses a super strong neodymium magnet base plate, combined with a genius locking mechanism hidden within the bottle to create a bottle which looks better and holds to the bike more securely than anything else in the market.
